
  1. Sakai, Y., Tada, T., Nomura T., & Yagi N. (2023). The Welfare Value of Freshness: A Hedonic Price Analysis in the Retail Seafood Market in Japan. Marine Resource Economics. Forthcoming.
  2. 阪井裕太郎, 黒倉壽, 多田智輝, 野村翼, & 八木信行. (2023). 東京都特別区における鮮魚の品質分布と小売店の販売戦略. 日本水産学会誌, 22-00041.
  3. Abbott, J. K., Sakai, Y., & Holland, D. S. (2023). Species, space and time: A quarter century of fishers’ diversification strategies on the US West Coast. Fish and Fisheries, 24(1), 93-110.
  4. Tsujita, T., Yagi, N., & Sakai, Y. (2022). Industry-initiated catch limit management: The case of purse seine fishery in Japan’s EEZ waters of the North Pacific Ocean. Marine Policy, 140, 105053.
  5. Sakai, Y., Ishihara, H., & Ishino, M. (2022). Sharing in the commons: Evaluating the pooling system in a Danish seine fishery in Japan. Marine Policy, 139, 105017.
  6. Sayeed, Z., Sugino, H., Sakai, Y., & Yagi, N. (2021). Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Mud Crabs in Southeast Asian Countries: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Foods, 10(11), 2873.
  7. Wakamatsu, H., & Sakai, Y. (2021). Can the Japanese fisheries qualify for MSC certification?. Marine Policy, 134, 104750.
  8. Azizah, F. F. N., Ishihara, H., Zabala, A., Sakai, Y., Suantika, G., & Yagi, N. (2020). Diverse perceptions on eco-certification for shrimp aquaculture in Indonesia. Sustainability, 12(22), 9387.
  9. Sakai, Y., Yagi, N., & Sumaila, U. R. (2019). Fishery subsidies: the interaction between science and policy. Fisheries science, 85, 439-447.
  10. 阪井裕太郎, 徳永佳奈恵, & 松井隆宏. (2019). 違法・無報告漁業由来の輸入品が国内イカ類漁業に及ぼす経済損失の推定. 日本水産学会誌, 85(1), 17-29.
  11. 木下祐希, 八木信行, & 阪井裕太郎. (2019). セリが産地卸売市場価格に与える影響に関する研究—三重県外湾漁協におけるイセエビ価格を事例に—. 日本水産学会誌, 85(3), 331-339.
  12. Sakai, Y., Wakamatsu, H., & Miyata, T. (2019). Manageable risks and the demand for food products: the case of oyster. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 23(1), 28-44.
  13. 阪井裕太郎, 家根橋圭佑, & 八木信行. (2018). 日本産水産物に対するシンガポール住民の嗜好性—順序選択モデルによる分析—. 日本水産学会誌, 84(5), 872-882.
  14. 阪井裕太郎, 成尾俊亮, 鈴木崇史, & 八木信行. (2018). 少量漁獲魚種の産地価格形成—マトウダイを事例として—. 日本水産学会誌, 84(4), 696-704.
  15. Sakai, Y., Wakamatsu, H., & Miyata, T. (2018). Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on the oyster market: a difference-in-differences estimation. Fisheries science, 84, 1109-1118.
  16. Sakai, Y., Nakamura, A., Yagi, N., Suzuki, T., Oishi, T., & Kurokura, H. (2018). Consumers’ attitude toward inspection methods and institutions for potential radioactive contamination: A choice-based conjoint analysis. Journal of International Fisheries, 16, 19-37.
  17. Sakai, Y. (2018). The Vaccination Kuznets Curve: Do vaccination rates rise and fall with income?. Journal of health economics, 57, 195-205.
  18. 松井隆宏, 中島亨, 阪井裕太郎, & 八木信行. (2017). 水産物の流通・消費形態と価格伝達に関する実証分析—マグロ類に注目して—. 日本水産学会誌, 83(5), 795-801.
  19. Sakai, Y. (2017). Subsidies, fisheries management, and stock depletion. Land Economics, 93(1), 165-178.
  20. Nakajima, T., Matsui, T., Sakai, Y., & Yagi, N. (2014). Structural changes and imperfect competition in the supply chain of Japanese fisheries product markets. Fisheries science, 80, 1337-1345.
  21. Oishi, T., Yagi, N., Ariji, M., & Sakai, Y. (2014). Methodology and application of a model to estimate fishery resource trends by catch and effort data. Journal of International Fisheries, 13, 1-12.
  22. 阪井裕太郎, 中島亨, 松井隆宏, & 八木信行. (2012). 日本の水産物流通における非対称価格伝達. 日本水産学会誌, 78(3), 468-478.
  23. Kurokura, H., Takagi, A., Sakai, Y., & Yagi, N. (2012). Tuna goes around the world on sushi. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 16(2), 155-166.
  24. 阪井裕太郎, 森賢, & 八木信行. (2012). 日本漁業の効率性に関する経済分析-北海道沖合底曳網漁業を事例に. 国際漁業研究, 11(2), 101-119.
  25. Nakajima, T., Matsui, T., Sakai, Y., & Yagi, N. (2011). Capturing changes in asymmetric price transmission: a rolling window tar estimation using bluefin tuna case study. Journal of International Fisheries, 10, 1-18.
  26. 松井隆宏, 中島亨, 阪井裕太郎, & 八木信行. (2011). 水産物市場の構造変化と価格伝達: クロマグロを事例に. 国際漁業研究, 10(1), 1-13.
  27. Sakai, Y., Matsui, T., Yagi, N., Senda, Y., & Kurokura, H. (2010). Econometric analysis of the factors contributing to the fish price increase in coastal TURFs in Japan: the case of income-pooling fishery for coastal shrimp “Sakuraebi Sergia lucens”. Fisheries Science, 76, 711-718.
  28. Sakai, Y., Yagi, N., Ariji, M., Takahara, A., & Kurokura, H. (2009). Substitute and complement relations among various fish species in the Japanese market: implications for fishery resource management. Fisheries Science, 75, 1079-1087.